Take Time To Celebrate!

by Susan on June 10, 2013

Take time to celebrate

How Do You Celebrate?

I live a busy life, no question about that.  I’m a full-time, stay-at-home-homeschool-mom of 5, assist my husband full-time in our ministry in Micronesia, and run a successful online health and wellness business.  I live by schedules and plans – it’s the only way I can get through each day!  But if you hang around our house very much, you’ll find I also jump at every chance to celebrate!  Kids are, well, kids, and they need time out from a busy routine.  And guess what?  So do we as adults!  There’s a reason why God created the earth in six days and then rested on the 7th – to teach us by example that we need to take time off from our busy lives to enjoy life and celebrate accomplishments and milestones.  It’s actually a vital part of our healthy well-being!

This past weekend we celebrated some milestones in our home.  Even though we homeschool, I don’t want my kids to miss out on the events in a typical school.  So when my daughter finished Kindergarten and my son completed 8th grade, we had a full graduation ceremony on Friday!  Complete with cap and gown (for my kindergartner – my 8th grader was a bit too “cool” for that, LOL!), invited guests, diplomas, and cake and punch!

Growing up, many of my most vivid and fondest memories involved celebrations – graduations, birthdays, musical accomplishments, and more.  Mom made things special!  And I want my kids to have those same memories.  Years in the future, they won’t care if the house was perfect every second of every day, or if the laundry was always caught up no matter what.  What they will remember is those times mom stopped the busy schedule to have a party.  They’ll remember the impromptu beach days and the lunch celebrations for scoring an A on a difficult test.  They’ll remember inviting the neighborhood kids over for a teddy bear tea party or girls day out to get our nails done.

What about you?  What are some of your best memories of celebrations growing up?  And when are some times you stopped life to celebrate?  I’d love to hear about it!

Johan Van Aarde June 11, 2013 at 10:07 AM

How cool is that! Growing up we did not really celebrate graduations, but I would have liked it. My coolest memories is celebrating my birthdays with friends!

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