The Trip That Changed Everything

by Susan on February 23, 2013

The trip that changed everythingHave you ever come to that point in your life when you realize that the next step you take will cause your entire life to be changed?  That was a point I came to twelve years ago this weekend.  You may or may not know this about me, but my family and I are missionaries on a small island in the South Pacific.  It was twelve years ago that we stepped off the plane on this little island and in that moment I knew my life was forever changed.  Changed in a good way, I’d like to clarify.  As I walked through that plane door and was blasted in the face with the hot humid air, met with the smell and taste of salt air, I knew!  Knew I was HOME!   Little did I know of the challenges, struggles, and yes, blessings that lay ahead.  It’s been an amazing journey these past twelve years, a journey only God could have brought me along.

I know this blog post is a little different than usual for this health and mom-focused site.  But I wanted to share my heart this weekend as I reflect on my life here in Micronesia as well as the life I left behind in the USA.  I wouldn’t trade it for the world!  This is home!  It was a life change that I’m glad I stepped into.

My challenge to you?  Embrace the change ahead!  Whether the changes you are about to embark on are spiritual, emotional, or physical, move forward in faith!  It may not be as drastic of a change as moving 9,000 miles away to a third world country; it may be spiritual changes ahead or you’ve come to the point where you realize you need to make some major health changes.  Whatever it may be, I’m here to support and encourage as well as to share this journey with you.  I’d love to hear about that moment for you when it all changed!  Or maybe it’s happening NOW!  Feel free to comment or message me at  I’d love to hear from you!

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