What Will You Do With Your Clean Slate?

Clean Slate


“The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal.  The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” ~ Benjamin Mays

 A brand new year!  A fresh start!  We have before us an entire year, untainted ~ a clean slate! My question for you is, what do you plan to do with this clean slate?

Will you continue on just as you are?

Or will you finally make the changes you’ve talked about every New Year’s?

This is YOUR year – if you are willing – if you dare to take the first step outside of your comfort zone – this will be the year that changes everything!

My challenge to you is this:

  • Spend some time reflecting on this past year – your accomplishments…and your failures.  Spend some time praising God for those accomplishments…and thanking Him for lessons learned through the failures.  Then, put the past behind and let’s look to the clean slate!
  • Take some time this week – today if you can! – and write out your goals for 2014.  Get crazy and dream big!  “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough!” (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf).
  • Then, pray over that list of goals and give them over to God!  If this is something new for you, I urge you to do this!  I can’t begin to tell you how liberating it is to turn these terrifyingly huge dreams over  to God!  He designed you to be something, be someone more!
  • Now, take action!  We can’t just sit back and expect it to happen.  Dreams without action gets us nowhere so have your game plan in hand and get going!  Make 2014 YOUR year!  I’m here to cheer you on!  I’d love to hear your goals so please share!

Happy New Year!
