Spring Challenge!

Spring Challenge

Spring It On! 21 Day Kickstart Spring Challenge!

There’s just something about Spring and the feeling of of new beginings! A chance for a fresh start!  So often our New Year’s Resolutions get lost in the shuffle of the new year, but spring…yes, spring! Winter’s coming to an end, summer’s just around the corner, and motivation is high! So put that motivation to good use (or let help you find that motivation!) and join our Kickstart spring Challenge group! Get the support, motivation, and accountability you need with this private Facebook group, complete with all the tools to get you results!

THIS is what made the difference for me and for so many others! Having the support, the accountability, the understanding of others I can relate to, the daily motivation.  Join this group of other women, facing the same challenges as you as a busy mom!

What you get:

  • A complete workout program on DVD with accompanying guide book (we help you decide which program is best for you!)
  • Nutrition guide
  • Customizable meal plans and recipes
  • One month supply of Shakeology, THE premium superfood shake (your choice of flavor or get a variety pack!)
  • Group support on our private Facebook group
  • Daily accountability
  • Daily health and fitness tips
  • Motivation!!!
  • 30 day Money Back Guarantee!!

BONUS: Enroll and complete the application process BY March 26th and receive a special free gift from me ~ a valuable tool to further your progress and results!

How many times have you started and then quit after a few days or weeks?  Not this time!  You’ll have your own personal cheerleaders, all going through the same thing as you – busy moms wanting to take their health back!    2016 is YOUR year to reclaim your health!  Are you in?  I sure am!  Join me!

Here’s the requirements for the Challenge Group:

  • Commit to a workout program schedule for the full 30 days.

  • Drink Shakeology – THE premium health shake – once a day.

  • Participate in our private Facebook group by reporting workouts and food.

  • Be willing to be encouraged and supported by a coach and team members dedicated to helping YOU get the best results!

If YOU are:

  • Serious about making a change in your health

  • Wanting a step-by-step blueprint to making that change

  • Interested in being a part of a support group with others who have similar goals to you

  • Ready and willing to invest in your own health

…Then this challenge is for YOU!

Cost: The group and coaching is free to you! The only cost is your Challenge Pack which varies from $140 and up!

Once you submit your group application, I’ll get in contact with you and we can figure out what program is the perfect fit for YOU! Speed up your enrollment by shooting me a Facebook friend request at https://www.facebook.com/susan.kihleng so we can chat and get you added to the group sooner!

* Want to join this Challenge AND be eligible to earn some extra spending money along the way?  Ask me how when you submit your application!

Get ready for RESULTS!


Technology is awesome but occasionally has its glitches. So, if you haven’t heard back from us within 24 hours of submitting your enrollment form, please post on the Simple Health Source Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/CoachSueann) to let us know! * Also, please check your SPAM box as your confirmation email may have been sent there! * Save time in your enrollment process and go ahead and shoot me a Facebook friend request at https://www.facebook.com/susan.kihleng!

Challenge Group Application

Can't wait to get you started! Please fill out this application for our next Challenge Group and we'll get back with you shortly!

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