
What Effect Does Diet Have on Kids with ADHD and Autism?

June 18, 2015

What effect DOES diet have on kids with ADHD and Autism? It’s a question being asked more and more frequently by parents, health professionals, and educators. Does what our children eat have any effect on their behavior? As a parent of a child with ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome, I’ve asked this question myself. Can my son’s behavior […]

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What’s In Your Pantry? Kitchen Essentials Part 1

July 14, 2014

So many times, new members of our monthly Challenge groups ask as soon as they join, “What IS clean eating? Where do I even start?”.  It can be confusing at the beginning when making a major lifestyle change, but by making small changes little by little, converting to a clean eating lifestyle doesn’t have to […]

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ADHD and Asperger Syndrome: There Is Hope!

October 3, 2013

“Have you ever considered there could be something wrong with him?  As in medically?” The question took me by surprise and for a few moments I could barely respond.  The feelings that took over shocked me as they weren’t feelings of defense or anger but actually relief!  Relief that maybe it wasn’t all my fault, […]

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Solving the Diet Dilemma

June 3, 2013

5 Diet Red Flags to Avoid You’re surrounded by it!  The word DIET!  It’s on TV, the radio, bookstores, checkout line at the grocery store, everywhere!  And every week there’s something new.  Adkins, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Low-Carb, High-Carb, Hollywood, HCG, cucumber-vinegar-sandpaper-and-lemon diet (ok, I made that one up), well, you get the idea.  There’s always […]

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What Effect Does Diet Have on Kids with ADHD and Autism?

November 9, 2012

What effect DOES diet have on kids with ADHD and Autism? It’s a question being asked more and more frequently by parents, health professionals, and educators. Does what our children eat have any effect on their behavior? As a parent of a child with ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome, I’ve asked this question myself. Can my son’s behavior […]

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