Thoughts On a Quiet Morning

by Susan on July 20, 2011

I had an “aha” moment this morning.  (Don’t you just love those?)  I have been reading two books lately (yes, I usually have several going at once), “Having a Mary Spirit” by Joanna Weaver and “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.  I recently bought several books, these two included, and later after taking some time to read the summaries on the backs of the books and briefly skimming through the contents, I realized, “Hey, these books are all basically about attitude!”  You think God’s trying to tell me something?  Anyway, these two books have already impacted me greatly and have attributed much to the “aha” moment of the morning.  I realized that my biggest struggle at this stage of my life is simply DOING!  I KNOW where it is I want to be in my life (spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc.); I know HOW to get there; I have all the tools and resources to get there; I have the motivation and the desire to get there; I recognize my strengths and my weaknesses that can help me or hinder me from getting there.  So why am I NOT there????  It’s simply a matter of DOING!  Ok, so yeah, Nike has it right with their slogan, “Just Do It”.  Regardless of feelings or emotions, motivations or desire, I need to JUST DO IT.  Not talk about it, think about it, plan it (yes, I am a planner!!!), but JUST DO IT.  Maybe you’re thinking, “THIS is your ‘aha’ moment?!  That’s it!? I’ve had that one figured out for years!!!  Duh!”  So you have it all together – congratulations.  But I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t.  For me it’s gonna be quite a journey!  And it’s a journey that will most likely take my lifetime.  Just wanted to share my random and chaotic thoughts as I turn things over to God and continue on this journey, the one that He has mapped out for me.   I can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead for me next!
katefoster19 July 20, 2011 at 11:37 AM

Can’t agree more on this. Good share, keep it up.

Normal Sinus Rhythm

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