Trust the Process: Weight Loss Frustration!

by Susan on February 26, 2013

Trust the Process: Weight Loss Frustration

Having been in fitness and nutrition for quite a few years now, one  “complaint” I sometimes get from clients in the third or fourth week into their program is “Why haven’t I lost any weight yet!?”.   Yes, that weight loss frustration can set in when you feel like you’ve done EVERYTHING right and you just aren’t seeing any changes in the scale!  So before you throw in the towel, here’s a few things to consider:

  1. TRUST THE PROCESS!  We live in a society of quick results – instant gratification!  Remember, you didn’t pack on the weight in just four or five weeks; it’s unlikely that you’ll lose it all in that time period as well!  The workout programs and nutrition guides that we use are tried and tested – again and again!  These are proven programs that have worked for MANY so please, trust the process and see it through till the end.  So many want to give up after just a few weeks with the excuse that, “this just didn’t work for me!”
  2. THROW AWAY THE SCALE!  Ok, you don’t necessarily have to THROW it away; but at least put it away for awhile – out of site – out of mind.  As you start a new program there are many factors that can contribute to weight retention and sometimes even a temporarily weight gain.  Fatigues muscles can swell, you body can retain water with the new eating plan, and the most common reason, you’re actually putting on MUSCLE, which weighs more than fat! Use a body fat calculator, to see how much fat you need to lose. As the muscle increases, you’ll burn more calories which will ultimately lead to losing more fat.
  3. DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS!  Easier said than done, I know!  It’s frustrating when one person literally seems to be ‘melting’ before your eyes on the same program and eating plan while you feel  you are working for nothing.  Believe me, it’s NOT for nothing.  Every body is different and every body processes change at different rates.  While for some, the changes on the outside are immediate, for others it may take longer, though there may be drastic changes going on on the inside that you may not even realize!
  4. CHECK YOUR NUTRITION!  While we may ‘think’ we’re doing it all right and eating 100% clean, often we’re slipping up way more than we realize!  When starting a program and focusing on weight loss, I usually recommend keeping a food journal for at least the first few weeks.  This helps you become completely aware of what is going in your mouth.  Go with the motto, “If you bite it, write it!” You can also take supplements like Ultra Omega Burn which will help you loose weight in a much easier manner.
  5. SCHEDULE IN SOME REST!  Often our bodies are just overtired and need a break!  Sometimes when I hit a plateau (stall in the weight loss), after taking an extra day off, I start to see a change again.  Your body NEEDS to recover, so make sure you are getting proper rest.
  6. GET SOME SUPPORT!  Being accountable to someone else often is the missing factor in many people’s weight loss journey.  Find a friend or family member to help you stay on track, or better yet, join our monthly Challenge Group!  The support is amazing and these challengers are seeing fantastic results!
  7. A PERSONAL EXAMPLE:  I’d like to share a personal example along these sames lines.  I had to have surgery over the recent holidays and with my hospital stay combined with inactivity and the steroids/drugs I was put on, in just a few short weeks I felt out of shape and overweight again!  Once I was cleared to workout, I started Les Mills Combat (my soul mate workout program, btw!).  I carefully recorded weight and measurements and took before pictures the first week of January.  And jumped in feet first – I gave it my ALL!  And at the end of the first 30 days, I was dismayed to find NO weight loss and NO inches lost!  On the plus side, I felt SO much better and had more energy than I’d had in ages.  As I pushed on through my second month in the program, wow!  The changes started happening all at once!  I’m so glad I decided to trust the process and keep going!

So when you start to question the process and wonder when that weight loss will kick in, just keep going!  I’d love to hear about some of your own experiences in weight loss, so feel free to comment or message me anytime!

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