Fit For Summer

by Susan on March 31, 2010

Summer is just around the corner! For many of you that have spent the winter “snowed in”, I’m sure that is a welcome statement! With warm weather just ahead, this is a great time to be thinking about improving our fitness and health. No more hiding in bulky sweaters so it’s time to shed the extra pounds and get in shape!

Where to begin! No point in “re-inventing the wheel”. There are plenty of tools and resources available to get you started on the road to fitness!

Step 1: Join the Team Beachbody community! It’s free and gives you access to the Team Beachbody Message Boards as well as other resources such as the weekly newsletter with articles on nutrition, fitness, and info on new workout programs available. Also, you get your own personal fitness coach for FREE! (By joining here from this blog, you will automatically have me as your coach.) Another option is to join the Team Beachbody Club which has a small membership fee, but opens you up to many more resources such as customizable meal plans, trainer tips, recipes, a 10% discount off all products and nutritionals, and much more in addition to what you would receive as a free community member. You can join risk free for a 30 day trial and cancel at anytime.

Step 2: Pick an exercise program that works for you! As the weather gets nicer, you may want to get out doors more. Take up walking, maybe even jogging, biking, hiking, swimming, etc. The list is endless. If you want a more organized workout program to get you in your ideal shape, try some of Beachbody’s tried and proven programs. Slim in 6 is always a great fat blaster. I’ll be starting this program again in just a couple of weeks to get myself back in pre-pregnancy shape. Power 90 and Turbo Jam are other great choices. If you want to step things up a bit and take your fitness to a whole new level, there’s always P90X, ChaLean Extreme, and Insanity. Beachbody offers over a hundred great workout programs to fit every fitness level or interest. Browse here to check out what they offer.

Step 3: Find your accountability! One of the best motivations for me has always been having someone to keep me accountable. The Team Beachbody Message Boards are great for this. If you don’t know where to begin in finding a thread for you, check out my thread and join us there. Also, your Team Beachbody coach can be a great motivator and offer encouragement, tips, and help when you are struggling. My coach has become more than a coach to me, but also a friend. (Click here to have me coach you for free!)

Step 4: Take a look at your eating! If you hope to get in shape by summer, it will take more than the daily workouts and by that I mean it’s time to clean up the eating. Get the junk food out of your house and commit to eating healthy. Plan out what you’re going to eat in advance and when you’re going to eat it. Consider keeping a food journal and writing down everything that goes in your mouth (you might be surprised at what all you consume in a day!). Also, make sure you are taking a daily multi-vitamin and it would be a good idea to add in omega-3s and calcium supplements. And of course I would be remiss if I did not mention my all-time favorite supplement, Shakeology! It’s great as a meal replacement and contains over 70 healthy ingredients that give you the vitamins, nutrients, antioxidents, probiotics, and more that you need for optimal health. I LOVE the chocolate and have found that it’s WONDERFUL with a drop or two of orange extract added.

Step 5: Get going!!!! Ok, you’ve read the article, thought it through, now get moving; don’t just sit there thinking about it from now till next fall! Make the commitment and then follow through. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

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