Good morning!!!! It’s a beautiful morning here on my little island…I’m enjoying a beautiful sunrise over the Pacific ocean with an absolutely amazing breeze this morning! So thankful for the gift of this morning! AND, I’m in the homestretch of the Ultimate Reset! Today is Day 19 and after today, only two days left!!!! Woohoo! Can you tell I’m excited? This has been an amazing journey…full of ups and downs…feelings of awesomeness and feelings, of, well, not so awesome. I’m glad it’s coming to an end, but am so grateful for the chance I had to do this and for the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I’ve become much more disciplined in the area of meal planning (didn’t really have a choice for three weeks!); I’ve learned to focus more on eating fruits and veggies; I’ve learned (still learning, really) how to relax and breathe when trouble attacks my life and to just let go! I picked this time in my life to do the Reset because I thought it would the perfect time, without a lot of stress or extra things going on in my life. Ha!!! These three weeks have turned out to be some of the most stressful and difficult weeks my husband and I have ever experienced in our work here on Pohnpei! But yet I’ve had a calm and control I’ve not experienced before during tough times!
Thank you for following my journey. I would love to hear how maybe it’s had just a bit of an impact on you. Please feel free to comment! And check back later this week as I’ll be posting my post-Reset results and lab work. I can’t wait to see the official changes!