Pregnancy Nutrition Tips

It’s the 14th week of pregnancy for me, marking the beginning of the second trimester. I hope to soon see the end of the daily nausea and hopefully even get a little boost of energy. Meanwhile, I’m trying to do better with planning my meals and getting what I need for both me and baby. Not so easy with the nausea, but doing the best I can. Here’s some tips on foods to make sure you get in during pregnancy:

  • Folate or Folic Acid. These include leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and dried beans and peas. Your OB/GYN may give you a folic acid supplement to take as well.
  • Calcium. Dairy products, especially yogurt, are at the top of the list for calcium sources. Salmon and spinach are also good sources, as are sardines. Don’t know about you, but I crave sardines during pregnancy!
  • Protein. Lean meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are excellent sources of protein, necessary for your baby’s growth. Dried beans and peas, dairy products, and peanut butter (I recommend using only a natural peanut butter) are also good sources.
  • Iron. Iron deficiencies are common during pregnancy and can cause fatigue, higher susceptibility to infections, as well as the risk of preterm delivery and a low birth weight baby. Lean red meat, poultry, and fish are good sources of iron. Some other options are spinach, some cereals, nuts, and dried fruit. If you are taking a good quality pre-natal vitamin, you should be getting iron from this source as well and in some situations, your OB/GYN may need to prescribe an iron supplement as well.
  • Pre-natal Supplements. Even if you are already eating a good diet, pre-natal vitamins are a good idea. Your OB/GYN will most likely prescribe one for you. However, there are some good whole food based pre-natal supplements available as well. I recommend using the Garden of Life pre-natal supplement, available from most health food stores, or at

* (Nutrition recommendations taken from the Mayo Clinic website.)

Have a healthy day!