She’s Here!!!!

by Susan on March 9, 2010

It’s way past time for an update here!

With this pregnancy I had developed a problem with my heart, which progressively worsened throughout the 3rd trimester. Eventually, I had to be admitted in the hospital because of it and after many tests and deliberation, the doctor finally decided that a c-section was necessary to protect the baby and to enable me to be able to take the necessary medication to get my heart back to normal. So, little Kaylinn Alora was born on February 25th at 9:25 AM, weighing 7 lbs, 6 oz. – an excellent weight for being so early! We are both doing great and thankfully, my heart is getting back to normal. We hope I will only have to be on the heart medication for another 2 weeks. After another 4 days in the hospital, we were finally able to come home, after many “adventures” such as more problems with my heart resulting in a change in medication and having to be back on oxygen for a time and also the need for a blood transfusion which wasn’t too successful as the veins in my hands and arms blew out, too weak to take the blood. Now, nearly two weeks later, we are doing great and well on the way to recovery!

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