The Cesaerean Delivery – Tips and Recovery Info

by Susan on March 11, 2010

I was one of “those” that thought I would certainly never have to have a c-section. And with each one of my children’s births, I grew even more confident that I would always deliver without any complications. After having 4 normal deliveries, I had no reason to prepare myself for a cesaerean – or so I thought. The truth is, no one can ever know how any one delivery will turn out and it’s best to be prepared. I laugh now at how I always skipped the chapters on c-sections in the pregnancy books. The tables have turned and now I’m gleaning info on recovery from every source I can get my hands on.
Actually, there are many websites devoted to the cesaerean delivery and recovery that I’ve found in my “research”, some extremely helpful, others a little irritating, making statements such as “by the time you return home from the hospital 3 or 4 days after delivery, you should experience little if any pain”. Uh, just for the record, it hurts!! I came across one this morning though that did an excellent job of covering what to expect in the event of a c-section, including each stage of recovery. Rather than re-posting the entire article, you can go to the site through this link here to find a Five-Step Recovery Guide by Alexandria Powell.

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