What’s In A Label? – Breakfast Cereals

by Susan on April 15, 2010

As our family sat at the breakfast table this morning, I absentmindedly picked up the box of wheat bran and started browsing the label. Wheat Bran – sounds like a pretty healthy cereal, right? And generally speaking, it is. I was not surprised to see that the first two ingredients were whole grain wheat and wheat bran. But what did surprise me were the next ingredients: sugar and high fructose corn syrup! I thought basically I was just getting whole wheat! I have become an avid label reader over the years and am continuously surprised at the sneaky little “evil” substances food manufacturers will slip into the most healthy sounding foods. So this is just a little reminder to READ YOUR LABELS, even if the food is something you think sounds pretty healthy. Wheat Bran, by the way, is still healthier than Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms but there are some even healthier choices out there. Some of my personal favorites in the cereal department are the Kashi cereals and the Cascadian Farms cereals. And from time to time here on my blog, I’ll discuss nutrition labels and what some of that stuff means. Have a great day!

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