Happy New Year!

by Susan on January 5, 2010

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a happy, safe, and healthy New Year! We have thoroughly enjoyed the holidays here on this side of the world and are now trying to get back to a normal routine.

I’m in Week 30 of my pregnancy and am SO ready to have this baby! But, still have a ways to go. I had another doctor checkup today and they did another ultrasound. Looks like we’re having a girl!

I wanted to post an article here by Jordan Rubin that may be helpful in making your New Year’s “resolutions”. This is the time so many people decide they want to get healthy and in shape, yet so many fall off the wagon in such a short time. Don’t be a statistic! Read the article for some tips, feel free to email me for info on getting into the best shape of your life, and check back here for more tips on making the commitment last. If I’m not already coaching you, click here or on my photo to have me coach you for FREE. Make this the time you WILL change your life for the better.

Revolutionary Thinking for 2010
A poll conducted by Harris Interactive® indicates that, among adults who make New Year’s resolutions, women are more likely to make resolutions than men are, but that men are more likely to keep them. Interestingly enough, the men were also more likely to talk with their spouses about their resolutions than the women were. The poll was conducted in October/November 2008 and involved 2,256 U.S. adults.
Of the nearly 1,485 people polled who do make New Year’s resolutions, only about 382 of them often or always keep them. That’s not a great average, but it may be an accurate reflection of the New Year’s resolution success rate—or the lack thereof. Perhaps you’re one of the thousands who make New Year’s resolutions each year, and are among the thousands who can’t or don’t follow through with those resolutions.
Don’t feel bad. You’re not alone.
Jordan English Gross, COO and founder of Dorthy.com, a company focused on helping people achieve their goals, says, “The New Year is often the one time of year when people start thinking about their goals and dreams, only to end up back where they started the following year.”
Not surprisingly, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people chant is, “This year’s going to be different. I’m going to lose that weight and keep it off.” Unfortunately, what Gross says often rings true—we end up back where we started—and are unsuccessful at managing our weight.
Maybe instead of making a resolution, we should make a revolution. You heard right. A revolution…it’s a sudden, complete or marked change in something. And since many resolutions don’t stick, a revolution might just be the answer.
Revolutionary thinking almost always necessitates deliberate and dedicated action to see things through. Being revolutionary is synonymous with unprecedented, novel, drastic and unorthodox. It’s the very thing most people need to get in their gut before they see the changes and results they seek.
Sonja Lyubomirsky, professor of psychology at UC Riverside and the author of the How of Happiness, says, “My own research shows that 50% of individual differences in happiness are governed by genes, 10% by life circumstances, and the remaining 40% by what we do and how we think. The secret to happiness lies in that 40%. If we observe genuinely happy people, we find that they do not just sit around being contented. They make things happen. They pursue new understandings, seek new achievements, and control their thoughts and feelings.”
Revolutionary thinkers are movers and shakers—people who don’t just sit back and watch things happen or even just scratch their heads and wonder what happened. They make things happen.
This New Year’s Eve, maybe you should pass on the New Year’s resolution and bring on the New Year’s revolution instead. Who knows? The new year might just usher in a new you.
Let the revolution begin.

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