The “Hidden” Poison In Our Food

by Susan on March 24, 2009

High Fructose Corn Syrup, the hidden poison in our food.
Food manufacturers today have found ways to “hide” all kinds of “poison” in the products we buy. One of these is High Fructose Corn Syrup. I just read a fantastic article by Dr. Mercola from mercola.comon this very thing and found it to have some excellent information. He pointed out that new cases of diabetes have increased by 90 percent in the last 10 years and that 1 out of every 4 Americans will develop diabetes or pre-diabetes. He goes on to say that “there’s no doubt in my mind that one of the primary fuels for this epidemic is the excess consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).” Researchers have linked HFCS to a resistance to insulin, leading to diabetes.In this article Dr. Mercola points out that the number one source of calories in America is HFCS in sodas, which has about 40 grams of HFCS per can! That is more than the American Medical Association’s recommended daily maximum for ALL caloric sweeteners.HFCS is worse for you than sugar, partly because it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar. Researchers now have proof that HFCS contributes to diabetes and heart disease and it has also been linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and corn allergies.

I urge to:

  1. Click here to read the entire article for a more complete description of the dangers of HFCS, and
  2. Avoid ANY food that contains HFCS! Check the ingredient label on your food packages before purchasing.

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