Time For a Time Out

by Susan on September 27, 2010

Time outI get so wrapped up sometimes in all that I have going on in my life – homeschooling, housekeeping, coaching, etc. – that I forget to take time out and just have fun. We schedule in our homeschool calendar times that we just take a break from the work and get outside, whether it be a field trip, nature walk, or like today, a trip to the beach. I have to admit, this morning I didn’t feel like going to the beach. Maybe that sounds weird; I mean, who wouldn’t want to drop everything and go to the beach! But I was inwardly arguing with myself over all I needed to get done. But I’m so glad that common sense won over and off we went. It was a great time to just get out in the fresh air, breathe freely, and have fun with my family. The laundry can wait (and yes, I do now have piles of wet towels and swimsuits!), the paper grading, the meal planning, grocery shopping, and everything else on my To Do list can wait. Sometimes, the best thing is to just take a break! And then jump back into responsibilities with a renewed energy and outlook on things. So today, why not schedule in a ‘Time Out’ for yourself! You might be surprised at how much more you accomplish once you jump back into things.

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