Sweet Talk: Raw Honey Health Benefits

by Susan on January 8, 2013

Raw honey with fruit and spicesAwhile back I started hearing a lot of hype about how honey is a much better alternative to sugar.  Seemed logical to me, so in our home we switched to using honey as a sweetener.  We had just started our gradual transitioning from the usual junk-food-whatever-tasted-good diet to a healthier, more natural diet and were learning little by little.  So I started to research a bit about honey.  What I learned kind of through off my assumptions!  Yes!  Honey IS good for you and a much better choice over sugar.  In fact, it may even be THE most superior sweetener.  However, I quickly learned that not all honey is created equal.  Well, at first it is technically, but then humans take the stuff and cook it down and process it and process it some more until the commercial jars of honey, or you know, those little bear shaped squeeze bottles, you buy at the grocery store are not much different than pancake syrup.  RAW honey, though, is a completely different story!  This is honey in its purest form, straight from the hive, basically.  I learned that this unprocessed honey is loaded with nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin C, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, antioxidants, and helps maintain the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.  Raw honey also can help stabilize insulin levels and is a good home remedy for sore throats.  All this packed in this liquid substance from our good friend the honey bee!  So of course, we switched to raw honey rather than the processed stuff.  I use a small amount to sweeten my morning coffee or herbal tea, drizzle a little over frozen fruit for an afternoon snack, or over a slice of whole grain toast for breakfast.  It’s also great for sweetening raw treats such as Shakeology Bars!  Whenever I feel a touch of a sore throat or congestion coming on, I sip on a mixture of hot water with 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey and a touch of cinnamon.  The uses of raw honey are endless!  I’d love to hear some of your uses for honey so please feel free to leave comments!

Beverly Figueroa January 8, 2013 at 10:21 PM

Wow such helpful info. Where can I find raw honey?

Susan January 10, 2013 at 6:58 PM

Beverly, a lot of grocery stores are starting to carry it but it’s always available at stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joes and similar. I actually just order mine online from Vitamin Shoppe since I don’t live near any stores that carry it regularly.

Susan January 10, 2013 at 6:59 PM

And actually, if you can find local bee keepers, that honey is really good! Growing up we had friends that kept bees and always kept us supplied with fresh honey – so good!

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