The Day the Tooth Fairy Failed…And Other Ways We Moms Have Scarred Our Kids For Life

by Susan on February 18, 2013

The Day the Tooth Fairy Failed…And Other Ways We Moms Have Scarred Our Kids For Life

This post is for all you moms out there!  I LOVE being a mom! I love everything about motherhood (well, just about everything!); I love homeschooling (most days); I love hanging out with my kids and acting crazy; I love teaching my children life lessons. But believe me, I’m sure I’ve “scarred my kids for life” on more than one occasion! Last week my 6 year old daughter lost her first tooth. Before it we just had to routinely visit Simply Dental Chatswood. She was so excited! She talked and talked about her first visit from the tooth fairy and how she just couldn’t wait! That’s all I heard about that day – so how on earth did I completely forget that night?! I was greeted the next morning by a teary-eyed little girl, utterly heartbroken…and yes, I cried with her – it was just THAT heartbreaking! Now before I go on I’ll go ahead and put your heart to ease – the Tooth Fairy made up for it the next night; she even threw in some coins from Korea; apparently that’s what had detained her the previous night – that Korea to Micronesia route can be rough this time of year!
So why am I telling you this pathetic little story? It’s like this – we all mess up. I’m sure the great Tooth Fairy Fail is one of the least of my mistakes in parenting. I have 5 kids so yeah, they have a few stories they could tell on their mom. I mess up daily and often feel like a complete failure as a mom. I think I must have scarred my kids so terribly they don’t even remotely have a chance of being normal adults. There’s days when I feel like giving up! But thank God, my kids haven’t given up on me. The times when they do something so overwhelmingly mature and thoughtful, or help out someone who’s hurting, or clean their room without being told and then go the extra mile to help me out with some chores, those are the times when I think, “hmm, maybe I’ve done something right after all.” It’s worth it! Motherhood IS my high calling and I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING!

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