A Season of Change

by Susan on January 3, 2013

Changes Ahead

Happy New Year!

I just want to say thank you to my readers, my friends and family who have supported me in my own health journey and who have encouraged me to pursue my passion of sharing health and fitness with others.
2012 was quite a year, one full of many ups and downs. I thank God for bringing me through the trials I faced and for the growth He’s allowed in me. I thank God for the blessings as well. And I thank God for the promise of a bright New Year and for the opportunity to share it with you!
Every January I sum up the previous year with one word and also “assign” the New Year with a word that will be my focus for the year. 2012 was easy to sum up – my word is RECOVERY. 2011 had ended with us nearly losing our baby daughter due to some breathing issues she had. So we began 2012 with rearranging pretty much everything about our lives to accommodate our youngest child, heavily in debt with medical bills, and basically just the focus of “survival” each day. However, we’ve finished out 2012 with our daughter growing and thriving in good health, the majority of our medical bills paid off, and ready to move forward in our lives, looking to what God has for us in 2013! So I searched my heart for my focus word for 2013, many came to mind – Balance, Excellence, Strength, Priorities, and more – yet one word kept coming to mind over the past week – CHANGE. While through this last year, I fought each day to just MAINTAIN my health, my weight, my household, my sanity, this year it’s time to move beyond just maintaining and time to make some major changes! Two days after Christmas I had surgery on my arm and was in the hospital for three days – between the “drug fog” from all the meds I was on, I had time to think and pray, and while yes, I am a bit scared of the changes God is asking me to make (ok, so maybe more like terrified!), I’m also excited! Excited because 2013 is going to be quite a journey and excited because I’m taking the steps God has instructed me to. Won’t you join me in the journey? I’ll be posting about my journey to CHANGE and invite you to share along. Maybe you even have some changes God is asking you to make. I’d love to hear about them! Feel free to leave comments here on my blog and on my Facebook page! Let’s make this journey together!

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