Fitness Motivation: When I Just Don’t “Feel Like It”!

by Susan on November 14, 2012

I asked recently on my Facebook page for topics my readers would benefit from the most and one response was “fitness motivation! How to stay motivated to workout”! Excellent topic to blog about! Cuz yeah, I need a shot of motivation, especially during these holiday months when I just flat out have so much going on! So, here’s my top 10 ideas that have helped me with motivation when I struggle the most to keep going:

  1. Switch things up a bit! Sometimes our lack of motivation is just doing the same ol’, same ol’ day in and day out. So give yourself some variety. Try something new; switch in an old workout routine; mix up parts of several different workouts for a ‘brand new’ routine; give the workout a new twist by adding in your own music through your ipod.
  2. Ask a friend to join you! Working out with someone else can make your exercise routine seem completely new – and more fun!
  3. Remind yourself of how good you feel after a workout! Sometimes I just don’t want to get up and move but I KNOW how much energy – a high, really – I will have when I’m done! Make yourself do just 10 minutes of your favorite workout routine and most likely, you’ll want to keep going!
  4. Reward yourself! And I don’t mean with food! Think of some things you enjoy doing – make a list – and then decide how many workouts you will need to do to “earn” the reward. 
  5. Learn to be a goal setter! Start small, such as aiming for an extra lap around the track or across the pool, making it all the way through a tough workout (such as P90X Plyometrics!), or losing 1 inch off your waist by the end of the month. Keep track of your goals and your progress! 
  6. Keep a workout calendar! For me, being able to put a big X through the day’s scheduled workout is a BIG motivator! I also enjoy tracking the calories I burn each workout (though I know some people are not numbers-oriented and aren’t motivated in this way – just saying what works for me!). 
  7. Decide on your WHY and put it in photograph form as a reminder! Why do you workout? For example, maybe the reason you workout is for your kids, so that you can be around and healthy to see them grow up. So put a photo of your kids in your workout area and remind yourself of why you do this!
  8. Start a journal, blog, or vlog! Even better, post your commitment on Facebook or Twitter so that everyone you know will know! You’re a lot less likely to quit when you know everyone is expecting you to follow through!
  9. Join a Challenge Group! I have various challenge groups going on throughout the year, and yes, this is a HUGE motivator! You know you’re going to workout if you gotta check in on that Facebook group page every day! And guess what, your teammates in the challenge WON’T let you fail! It’s not too late to join our Challenge Group for that extra shot of motivation!
  10. Become a coach! One of my biggest motivators was becoming a Team Beachbody Coach! I knew that now, people are looking to me for motivation and guidance! I can’t let them (YOU!) down!

So, ignore the dreary weather, the busyness of the season, or whatever else is holding you back. Give some or all of these fitness motivation tips a try, get off the couch, and get moving!

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